Wednesday, September 01, 2004

All she wants to do is knit...

Longest of long days at work. I really just want to be home knitting. Of course, I don't have the necessary needles to finish the current project, so I'll be running to the Yarn Co. on Broadway to pick up the necessary supplies.

This is more dangerous than usual for many reasons.

1) Isn't going to the yarn store always dangerous? Especially when in the midst of 3/4 UFOs? I mean, when you have a few going...what's one more!

2) I am bored at work, which means I have spent all day scrolling through other blogs and getting inspired. Now I am dreaming of all the things I can make!!! My head is 100% in the clouds.

I'll be flying stand-by to my mother's this weekend, and I'm almost hoping not to get on the earlier flight so I can sit around the airport knitting undisturbed!

Is it natural to be this obsessed with my projects?

Oh, I almost forgot. I won't be able to finish the series (the cabling one mentioned earlier) because it is for a family member I will see at home...and it's a surprise. So, while at the Yarn Co. I am afraid I'll talk myself into an unnecessary project in order to have something to work on while at my mother's!

Save me from myself, someone...

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