Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Costa Rica Bound...

What oh what should I knit in Costa Rica? More importantly, what should I knit on the trip to and from Costa Rica?!

I'm working on Ethan's baby blanket, but I don't really want to work on that. I also have that cable-knit chunky shawl, which I really like, but I want something new and exciting. Of course, two WIPs is probably enough. I could probably even finish both this trip if I were so inclined.

We'll soon discover if I am wise or if I'm a knitwit!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Trellis & Vine Pattern Found (again)

Perhaps I already linked through to this, but had forgotten. Not sure. Regardless, my sister and a friend both were looking for this pattern. My sister so that I could knit her one, and my friend so she could knit her own (I hope! jk).

So I search Google again, and cam up with Trellis & Vine by Sauniell N. Connally from the MagKnits site. Enjoy! It's a truly wonderful pattern.